Summer Camp Program
- Serving elementary school-age children, grades K – 5
- 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM, Monday thru Friday during summer vacation
- $155 per week (less for qualifying families)
- Scholarships available through Palm Beach County Youth Services, and subsidy through Early Learning Coalition
- Includes breakfast, lunch, and snack
As a parent, you know how important it is that your child’s learning journey doesn’t end just because the school year is over, and if you’re a working parent, you must also ensure your child is safe, fed, and in an enriching environment during the day. If you’re one of these parents, the Fuller Center is here for you.
The objectives of the Fuller Center Summer Camp are to promote social skill development, extracurricular interests, and physical fitness, all while continually stimulating your child’s growing mind to prevent summer learning loss. Summer Campers participate in clubs including dance, coding, arts & crafts, music, sewing, sports, and more. They often go on field trips to local zoos, libraries, nature centers, museums, and other cultural and educational institutions. Outdoor play is encouraged to promote the benefits of being active, and children are even taught to swim. Your child may also have access to their regularly scheduled tutor and/or mentor!
The Full Center Summer Camp is part of the Quality Improvement System, Prime Time, and Early Learning Coalition of Palm Beach County, agencies that have set standards for summer camp professionals and quality programs. All Fuller Center Camp counselors are certified in CPR with AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) for infant, child and adult.
To enroll your child(ren) or for more information, choose an option: Call Registrar at 561-391-7274 ext. 113 for East Campus and 561-482-3006 ext. 210 for West Campus
Apply for a Summer Camp Scholarship today!
Now is the time to apply for Summer Camp Scholarships distributed on a first-come, first-served basis to families who might not be able to afford camp. The deadline to apply is April 15, 2022.
Here’s what you need to know to apply: