
Toddler Program

  • Serving children 1 to 3 years old
  • 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM, Monday thru Friday year-round
  • $175 per week (less for families who qualify for a subsidy)
  • Includes breakfast, lunch, and snack


Right now, your toddler is learning at a faster pace than they ever will again in their entire life. They may also be testing their limits, and yours! It can be difficult to keep up, especially for working parents or parents in school. The Toddler Program is here to take some of that pressure off, and partner with you to maximize your little one’s learning potential in those crucial early years.


Toddler-age children are evolving the way they think, learn, socialize, express, and feel. With the guidance of our qualified staff, toddlers will learn to sort shapes, identify colors, follow simple directions, take turns, and so much more! Toddler classrooms are designed to promote literacy and language skills, and learning stations throughout the classroom foster growth and self-expression in both group and teacher-facilitated activities. On pleasant days, the toddlers enjoy outdoor play in an exclusive area specially designed for their motor function development.

This program utilizes the research-proven Creative Curriculum, which allows teachers to be their most effective and innovative in making learning exciting for your child. This curriculum is aligned with the Early Learning Framework, and state early learning standards.

Our staff carefully monitors and records each child’s developmental milestones, and arranges for onsite therapies and/or qualified external referrals when needed.

Every Toddler Program teacher holds a Child Development Associate (CDA) certification or CDA equivalent. The Fuller Center maintains a Gold Seal Quality of Care from the Florida Department of Children and Families, and is accredited with the National Association for the Education of Young Children.


To enroll your child(ren) or for more information, choose an option below:
Call Registrar at 561-391-7274 ext. 113 for East Campus and 561-482-3006 ext. 210 for West Campus.